Wednesday, November 5, 2008

TV Interview

Yesterday I had my five minutes of fame and was interviewed about Halloween. As we were waiting for the crew to set up the stage I was asked by some other people to enter a soundproof room and read a few lines of English. A couple of the lines had the acronym MUN, so I assume that refers to Model United Nations. I'd be interested to know where my voice will be heard.

For the Halloween interview there was also an Irish teacher with me. He carried most of the load answering questions, since he knew about the origins of Halloween, traditional legends and games etc... I didn't have anything nearly as interesting to talk about, just the basics of trick or treating costumes. Our interviewer was very nervous and she kept forgetting her questions and fumbling over her words. I think it was her first time interviewing people on camera. When the team is finished editing I will receive a copy of the interview.

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